Diamond Sourcing
Ethical and Responsible Sourcing: Diamonds are obtained from reputable suppliers who adhere to ethical and responsible mining practices, ensuring transparency and accountability. Quality Assurance: Rigorous screening processes are in place to verify the authenticity and quality of sourced diamonds, guaranteeing their legitimacy and value.
Products Rough diamonds (2)
Planning and Analysis
Expert Evaluation: Skilled gemologists meticulously assess each diamond, considering factors such as size, shape, and internal characteristics to optimize its potential. Precision Planning: Detailed planning ensures that the diamond is cut and shaped to maximize its beauty and value, taking into account market trends and customer preferences.
Products Rough diamonds (2)
diamond sawing
Diamond Sawing
Customized Cutting: Diamonds are sawn into rough shapes tailored to their individual characteristics and intended final designs, ensuring optimal utilization of material.
Advanced Machinery: High-precision sawing machines equipped with diamond-tipped blades are used to cut diamonds with accuracy and efficiency, minimizing loss and maximizing productivity.
diamond sawing
Cut 1
Diamond Bruting
Forming the Girdle: Diamond bruting involves shaping the rough diamond into a rounded form, creating the girdle—the outer edge of the diamond that defines its shape and proportions. Symmetry and Balance: Skilled artisans meticulously grind and shape the diamond to achieve symmetry and balance, laying the foundation for the faceting process.
Cut 1
Diamond Faceting
Precision Cutting: Each facet is carefully cut and polished to precise angles and proportions, maximizing the diamond's brilliance, fire, and scintillation. Artistic Craftsmanship: Highly skilled artisans apply their expertise and craftsmanship to bring out the diamond's natural beauty, creating dazzling displays of light and color.
Diamond Grading
Standardized Evaluation: Diamonds are graded according to internationally recognized standards, such as those established by the Gemological Institute of America (GIA), ensuring consistency and accuracy in assessment. Comprehensive Analysis: Trained gemologists assess the diamond's cut, color, clarity, and carat weight, providing detailed reports that serve as valuable reference points for buyers and sellers.
Quality Control
Stringent Standards: Quality control measures are implemented at every stage of the manufacturing process to uphold the highest standards of craftsmanship and integrity. Continuous Improvement: Feedback mechanisms and quality assurance protocols are in place to identify areas for improvement and ensure ongoing excellence in diamond production.